Category : Articles

Improve Your Time Management Skills: Guide for Graphic Students

Time is one of the most expensive and irreplaceable resources that we all possess. On average, we have 66.29 years, which is equivalent to 24212 days, or 34865280 minutes, or 2091916800 seconds. Considering that a person spends a third of his/her time sleeping, there is not so much precious time left to throw around. Time is money, time is life. Modern youth, especially students, live a rich and diverse life, often combining study and work. Time management for students is […]

Graphic Design and Online Advertising: The Tandem You Should Invest In

Graphic Design and Online Advertising: The Tandem You Should Invest In   As bizarre as it may sound, graphic design is the most important form of advertisement. Business owners and companies that perpetually produce new products mainly depend on appealing graphic designs, whether it’s for a logo or for a new product that they have just produced. Think about it, we first judge things with our eyes and based on how they look to us. Visual aids and aesthetically appealing […]

How Your Logo Can Drive Your Sales Up

How Your Logo Can Drive Your Sales Up A logo is  of your business and its uniqueness as well. It is the work of your logo to portray your company’s image efficiently. If you create a professional design, then it can assist you in impressing your target audience, increase your business sales exponentially and also make your business stand out from the competition. A logo is essential for all businesses, particularly startups and small businesses. It is necessary for every […]